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Sunday, February 1, 2015


I am finally getting around to sharing my gnocchi recipe. It is so delicious and worth the effort involved. I usually double the recipe and freeze a batch for another day.

2 large potatoes (or 3 medium ones)
2 cups flour
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan 

Bake the potatoes until cooked through. Using an oven mit, remove skins. Place the  potatoes (while they are still nice and warm), one at s time, through a food mill or potato ricer.

Make a well with the potatoes then sprinkle four on top. Add eggs inside the well and gradually incorporate. Season with salt and pepper and add the cheese. Mix well.  Let dough rest with a damp towel draped over it for at least 30 minutes. (I do all this directly on my just-cleaned counter)

After it rests, cut off small portions and roll into long ropes.

Then, cut them in 1inch portions.
At this point, you can start cooking them. Or you can shape them using a gnocchi board or the back of a fork. 

Next, start a pot of boiling, heavily salted water. Don't overcrowd the pot. Boil a big handful at a time. When they float, take them out and put on a cookie sheet or in a bowl. If using a bowl, drizzle with oil so they don't stick together.

Once they are boiled, they can sit for a while if you need a break. Just a few minutes before you are ready to eat, heat a pan over high heat. Put in a little oil, and quickly sauté the gnocchi (only a couple minutes). Again, don't overcrowd the pan.

Toss with your favorite sauce and serve!

If you want to make extra to freeze, you can freeze them after shaping them. Just dust a cookie sheet with flour and place a single layer of gnocchi on it. Freeze them and then move them to a freezer bag.

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