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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Roasted Chicken and Butternut Squash Risotto

Since moving in, I've had to buy chicken stock.  I know, terrible!  So, I decided it was time to roast a chicken so I could use the carcass  to make stock.  I seasoned the chicken with salt and pepper and oil on the outside and underneath the breast skin, I put oil, lemon zest, fresh rosemary and chopped garlic.  I then threw the lemon halves inside the chicken for added flavor.  I roasted it at 425 for 10 minutes then reduced to 375 for about 1 hour and 10 minutes.  I let it rest for about 15 minutes and  then carved it up.  It was heavenly! I love roasted chicken!!

To accompany the chicken, I decided to make butternut squash risotto.  I've made plain risotto and mushroom risotto but have been wanting to try it with butternut squash.  It was so, so good!  It went so nicely with the chicken and it looked so pretty on the plate.  I used fresh butternut squash but you could use a bag of frozen if you were in a hurry.  I also baked the squash the day before I made the risotto and then just stored it in the fridge.  I did heat it in the microwave before adding to the risotto so it didn't cool the risotto down and prolong the cooking time.  Other than that, I pretty much followed this recipe.

For veggies, I just reheated the roasted veggies that I made earlier this week.  Dinner was wonderful!  Best of all, I get to make stock now!  WOOHOO!

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